Dna Analysis

DNA ANALYSIS In approximately 1% of cases, the test will need to be repeated. This is because the cells will not grow or amplify in the laboratory and the results are inconclusive. The woman is advised to rest for about 30 days after the procedure and refrain from...


ESTRIOL Estriol was originally added to AFP and HCG to enhance detection of Down syndrome. Estriol concentrations do not influence risk calculations for ONTDs. Researches have shown that Estriol improves Down syndrome detection by only a marginal 1-2%, raising...

Free BetaHCG

FREEBETA HCG FreeBeta HCG is the only biochemical marker that can be used in both the first and second trimesters. In both trimesters, FreeBeta HCG is elevated in the blood of women carrying fetuses with Down syndrome (second trimester median MoM = 2.69) and reduced...

Alpha Feto Protein

ALPHA-FETOPROTEIN Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is the best marker known for detection of open neural tube defects (ONTDS). It tends to be elevated in the blood of women and fetuses with ONTDS, and tends to be lower in the blood of women carrying fetuses with Down Syndrome...

Maternal serum Biochemistry

MATERNAL SERUM BIOCHEMISTRY (MSB) In maternal serum biochemistry, certain biochemical substances are measured in the blood of the mother at specific times in pregnancy. These substances are called hormones. Their values vary depending on which abnormality is being...
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